Albertz. – The German Eatery: 0511 / 3495 253DoubleTree by Hilton HANNOVER: 0511 / 3495 159
When planning your stay with more than 9 rooms, please simply fill out the form below or contact us directly:
DoubleTree by Hilton Hannover SchweizerhofHinüberstrasse 630175 Hannover
Tel.: +49 511-3495-151Fax: +49 511-3495-123E-Mail: erfreingvbaf@qg-unaabire.qr
We look forward to hearing from you!
Yours kindly, DoubleTree by Hilton Team
Your name*
Your email address*
Your phone number*
Street address*
City, postal code*
Your needs
Type of group -- Select the reason for the group request --ConventionCorporate eventPrivate eventOther
Where is the conference taking place?
Arrival date:
Departure date:
How many rooms are needed? Single occupancy: Double occupancy: Triple occupancy:
Booking method: AllotmentRooming list
For allotments? LinkBy phoneForm
When will you send the invitations - by when can be expect the registrations?
Cut-off day needed?
Payment method? MasterbillIndividual
Something elese?
* All information that is personal data related, will be considered within the date protection laws.
You can find information about how we handle personal data in our Privacy Policy.